What is 9weeks and 5 days - 1 week and 6 days.

Also what is 1 decade and 8 years - 9 years

8 answers

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?
Can you plz explain what I should do for number 1 I got 7 years for number 2 I got 8 weeks and 2 days
Also what is 5 decades 4 years 3 months - 2 decades 5 years 6 months
1 week = 7 days

(7 * 9) + 5 = ___________ days

7 + 6 = ______ days

1 decade = 10 years

10 + 8 = ______ years
But it's supposed to be subtraction
Also what is 5 decades 4 years 3 months - 2 decades 5 years 6 months

I did your other problems. Now it's your turn. I'll be glad to check your answer.
3 decades 1 year 3 months or
4 decades 9 years 9 months
Thank u thoe