What formal powers does the governor use to achieve his or her legislative goals?
1) the veto
2)administrative bills
3)presenting the state budget
4) all of the above
I need help:(
7 answers
In most states, A is the best answer. In some states, the governor does prepare a proposed budget, and usually, it does reflect his or her goals, however, seldom is it enacted into law. I would go with A. In some states, governors have a line item veto also.
I am doing Georgia State History so this question is for Georgia
Sorry i did not mention that
Sorry i did not mention that
I disagree. Governors cannot introduce bills in the legislature, but they may propose them. They also can and do PROPOSE budgets. And they do have veto power (sometimes line-item vetoes, but always the ability to veto whole bills).
So the answer is A
I don't think so!
here are the Formal Powers the governor of Georgia has:
Only one answer is in this list.
Only one answer is in this list.
Its D: All of the above