what does this question mean im really confused.

directions - translate the adjective and write the correct form.
1. un apartmento (small)
2. las mujeres (brown haired)
3. los hombres (tall)
4. la senora (pretty)
5. las clases (easy)
can someone explain what the question is asking and give me an example?? please and thank you :)

4 answers

They want you to put the adjective for small into that phrase. For instance, pequeno/a is small in spanish. So, since un apartmento is masculine in form, then you would use, un pequeno apartmento. Be sure when you write pequeno to use the tilde over the n.
so when i have to translate it, is it 2 different answers? like i will put apartment and then i will put pequeno apartmento?
You will put pequeno - small. Then you will put un pequeno apartmento.
oh okay thanks