What does the word keen mean in australian?

3 answers

I Googled Australia keen and found several headlines similar to this one: "Australia Keen on Tests Under Lights."

Since we also use the word "keen" in this way, I checked Dictionary.com and found these pertinent definitions.

"5. animated by or showing strong feeling or desire: keen competition.
6. intense, as feeling or desire: keen ambition; keen jealousy.
7. eager; interested; enthusiastic (often fol. by about, on, etc., or an infinitive): She is really keen on going swimming."
Australians often use "keen to (+verb)" or "keen for.." to indicate something they are eager to do or highly in favor of. As an adjective, it can also mean "stylish" or "trendy" or something like the dated American slang "cool".
Generally used as eager or excited. example: He was keen to go on a trip to the Outback.