Can you post symbols use in a problem? That may help us to identify it easier.
what does the sign that has a C and = over top of it mean in Algebra? Is it equals to or something else?
4 answers
(3x-6)(x-8)(2x-7)=0;x C=natural numbers
Cand = are on top of each other.....
Cand = are on top of each other.....
I am still not quite sure what it is asking. But here are my thoughts.
In col 1, row 15 of this chart of Math symbols
(To find this chart, do a google search for "algebra symbols" and the 1st link should be off of gomath)
is shown the "is an element of" symbol,
which as I read your question would mean
Solve (3x-6)(x-8)(2x-7)=0 where x is an element of the set of all natural numbers (or in other words, the value of x is a natural number). I hope this helps.
I am still not quite sure what it is asking. But here are my thoughts.
In col 1, row 15 of this chart of Math symbols
(To find this chart, do a google search for "algebra symbols" and the 1st link should be off of gomath)
is shown the "is an element of" symbol,
which as I read your question would mean
Solve (3x-6)(x-8)(2x-7)=0 where x is an element of the set of all natural numbers (or in other words, the value of x is a natural number). I hope this helps.
Thank you for your help!
Thank you for your help!