What does Robert Bartlett in the "The Natural and the Supernatural in the Middle Ages" say about things about being beyond nature and what examples does he give?
Also,what does Robert Bartlett in the "The Natural and the Supernatural in the Middle Ages" say about things being natural and what examples does he give of them?
How was the dichotomy maintained between the natural and supernatural in medieval times ? ( Another of the questions I need to answer regarding The Natural and the Supernatural in the Middle ages for an essay)
2 answers
Have you read Bartlett? I advise that you do so to discover what he says.
Yes I have but he is so vague about what he considers things being natural in the Middle Ages that I decided to ask for help and the same thing with the supernatural I've got the gist, I just need some rock-hard examples to make my essay that much better for both what he considers natural and supernatural . From what I could understand the distinction between the natural and the supernatural was maintained through what the Church said was natural and supernatural, so such things as someone being cured from a incurable disease would be considered supernatural and a miracle from the hand of God as it would go against nature to be cured of such a disease as for the natural, things such as the harvest would be considered natural as it doesn't go against nature rather it is a natural way of being, as it happens the same time every year.
If you could please clarify,Reed, that would be fantastic.
If you could please clarify,Reed, that would be fantastic.