That's funny... I know someone in my spanish class whose name is Cecilia... well anyway, I don't know the translation myself, but I would try going on a translation website or google "translation websites"
Hope I helped!
What does "llanura costera del pacifico" mean?
2 answers
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Please, do not rely on translation websites. They NEVER get the nuances of the language. Invest in a good paper-back dictionary that is English > Spanish/Spanish > English. It is an investment in your education! AMSCO has a good one.
la llanura = plain
costera = costal
del pacífico = of the Pacific
Put this all together and you have "Pacific coastal plain."
la llanura = plain
costera = costal
del pacífico = of the Pacific
Put this all together and you have "Pacific coastal plain."