What does it mean to influence government? Why should active citizens participate in government?

What is the media? Explain how the media can influence government.

What is an interest group? Explain how interest groups can influence government, and give an example.

Why is the case United States v. Nixton important?

Please Help Ms. Sue or anyone! :)

4 answers

Participation is not a law.

Do you mean President Richard Nixon?

What don't you understand about Writeacher's advice?
It wasn't that I didn't understand her advice, it was that I didn't understand Google.
Oh, my. Where indicated on the Google homepage, type your question, then click on, or otherwise "enter". A list of entries/articles will appear. Click on the one you want to read. It will appear. If that does not answer your question, return to the previous page (the list of articles) or start over, the click on another one that looks interesting. Repeat until you think you can answer the question.
I know how to use Google