For multiplication and division:
- and - make -
+ and + make +
+ and - make -
- and + make -
what does:
- and - make
+ and + make
+ and - make
- and + make
I get very confused with questions that have different signs
5 answers
is it just for multiplying and dividing?
Adding and subtracting depends upon the values of the numbers involved.
3 + 5 = + 8
5 - 3 = + 2
-3 - 5 = -8
Adding and subtracting depends upon the values of the numbers involved.
3 + 5 = + 8
5 - 3 = + 2
-3 - 5 = -8
got it
thank you so much!!
thank you so much!!
You're welcome!
You're welcome!