What do we call the first ten amendments?

C. Bill of rights
The idea of self government is in the first three words of the constitution. What are these words?
D. We the people
Who is in charge of the federal executive branch?
A. The president
How many U.S senators are there?
C. 100
Who is the commander in chief of the military?
B. The president
In what month do we vote for president?
D. November
How many justices are on the United States Supreme Court?
B. 9
What is the capital or your state?
A. St. Paul(if you’re in Minnesota)
Who signs bills to become laws?
D. Governors and the president
Under the constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What is one power of the federal government?
D. The federal government can create an army
How old do citizens have to be to vote in the election for president?
C. 18
What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?
A, C(liberty and life)
What is one right of freedom protected by the first amendment?
B. Right to peacefully assemble
We elect a U.S Senator for how many years?
C. 6
What does the judicial branch do?
C. Reviews laws
We elect a U.S Representative for how many years?
A. 2 years
My hands are tired from typing so give me a minute to get more answers out to help you guys. 🖤 but these are right, I got them right and wanted to help put them out for others since kids here have helped me as well.