What different physical arrangements have you seen in the classrooms you’ve observed? Which arrangements seem most effective? Why?

3 answers

I may not have seen the same types of classrooms you have seen! It depends upon what type of class it is, how many students, etc.

For lectures there is usually graduated seating, like an auditorium. In a smaller room, tables and/or desks.

For a smaller class, with activities (TPR = total physical response) the chairs could be grouped in 4 (2 side-by-side facing 2-side by side), or 1/2 the class on one side of the room and 1/2 the class on the other. This works well for "competition."

Ordinary classrooms must have good light, ventilation, black or white boards. Usually there are 30-40 student desks in rows.

I have had to hold classes in a lab, and that was not ideal because you couldn't move around and had to sit side-by-side.

Which arrangement seems the most effective? That would have to depend upon the subject-matter.

Your instructor is asking what YOU have observed. S/he doesn't care a whit about an anonymous stranger has seen.

We'll be glad to critique your answers.
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