Think about it. King George was king of England. He ruled the American colonies until they revolted. What does the Declaration of Independence say about King George?
What do you think the patriots thought about their leader?
What did King George III do during the american revolution? How did loyalists and patriots feel about him?
7 answers
What do the words "patriots" and "loyalists" mean in the context of the American Revolution? If you don't know, your text will explain.
@Reed, the patriots rebelled and the loyalists were with the king, I believe.
@Mrs.Sue, I guess the fact that they wanted independence from their leader means he wasnt a very good one, I know the patriots were against what he was doing.
Please read the details in the Declaration of Independence.
The first part: What did King George do? He tried to impose taxes to pay for the seven years war, and the colonists did not like that.
And, yes, you are right that the loyalists were loyal to King George, the patriots wanted independence from Great Britain. As Ms. Sue suggests, read the Declaration to find out why.