What best describes Emily Dickinson's attitude towards death?
C.accepting <--
With which statement would Emerson most likely agree?
A.Objects of nature die, but civilization lasts forever
B.Society offers the best way to commune with the divine soul <-- b or maybe C
C.A fulfilled person is one who has followed his or her conscience
What does the speaker realize by the end of "Because I Could Not Stop For Death"?
A.Eternity does not exist
B.All of life leads towards death <--
C.Death is always cruel
The Speaker in "I Started Early - Took My Dog" says, "And made as he would eat me up -" For what reason does the speaker use personification to describe the ocean wave?
A.To paint a picture of an aggressive being
B.To make readers sympathetic to the ocean wave
C.To show how friendly the ocean can be
A or C?
2 answers