What are the six ways that xenophobia can impact on individuals,groups and consequences?

10 answers



Read, read. :)
xenophobic can individual people like tourist that going in different places .also can affect group foreign people like those are having company or shop in South Africa
this too much hate of foreign people affect our communities very badly,in a way that it sticks into our youth children turn to be violent.It affects us negatively because these people bring jobs for our sisters and brother decreasing the level of poverty and unemployment also boost the economy of the country.
Xenophobia impacts negatively
ways in which the xenophobia impact on individual and group and the consequences that the xenophobia have on the individual as well as on your community
impact a of xenophobia
.they discriminate foreigner
.people support citizen while they are looting their shops.
.they say foreigners take their jobs
.citizen indigenous foreigners not involve them
ways in which the xenophobia impact on individual and group and the consequences that the xenophobia have on the individual as well as on your community
Name four ways in which xenophobia can affect communities negatively?
Critically discuss six ways in wich the human right violation for an example xenophobia impacts on individuals and groups and the consequences that the human right violation have on the individual as well as on your community