What are the long-term effects of banning plastic bags, and who is impacted by this issue or problem?

2 answers

San Francisco banned single-use plastic grocery/store bags several years ago. It cut down on litter. We used to have them blowing around in the streets. No more. They are also not recyclable, so must go to the landfill. Many don't, so end up in the waterways, floating out to sea. Note that other single-use plastic bags, used for specific products like breadstuffs, are not banned. The arguments against the ban were that they are convenient and manufacturers that make them lose business (and jobs). Here's an article that lists some of the pros and cons. http://www.gazettetimes.com/news/opinion/columnists/a-pro-and-con-look-at-the-plastic-shopping-bag/article_f831ffbe-8bac-11e2-a7c9-0019bb2963f4.html
most the economy will be effected. Plastic bag factories would be shut own and people would be out o jobs.