what are the human and social factors that cause ill-health, sickness, truama, accidents, crisis and disasters within the context of contemporary social or environmental issues in south africa

4 answers

environmental and human factors that cause accidents,crises or disasters which impacts negatively on our and appropriate ways to deal with such problems
Human- drinking and driving . Over drive speed ,they are alway late they do not set time to drive e.g if you go to stadium and the game start at 20h00 pm you must drive 1 hour before the game start HEALTH OF HUMAN- Burning of chamical during the day , and they do not warn people about what they are burning and the risk of poison chamical.ENVIRONMENTAL-the farting of other animal like human, and also the smell of male goat can cause flu .
decrine environmental health hazards that cause ill health,crises,disasters
suggest 5 recommendations on how to address the environmenttal problems within your community or other community south africa and globally