What are the different types of intolerances not including food and allergies?

For example racial, gender, sexual activity i.e homosexuals (what would be a name for that sort of intolerance?) and I can't think of anymore.

Also what are some good short stories, newspaper/magazine articles, song lyrics, plays, films, artwork, advertisement, novel, cartoons and/or poems that displays intolerance?

Just provide the link below and say what type of intolerance it shows :) Thanks :) :)

Also thanks to all the people who helped me with the FIRST writing task of the destination/adventure/journey etc. I got 4.5/5 (because i didn't have time to complete the last paragraph, which had one word from the spelling list) and overall 26.5/30 (lost three marks in the comprehension part:/ ).
You know who you are :)

2 answers

Congratulations!! Nice grades! =)


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assessment of whether the types of intolerance are related, based upon social and ... for is a sociotropic factor, which is quite different to the perceived ...

Policies and Procedures - Policy to Address Intolerance and ...
Aug 2, 2010 ... The educational program will address four different campus constituencies: ... Types of intolerance and bias-motivated harassment ...
(Broken Link Removed)

What religious tolerance involves; how it is defined, etc.
Compared to other types of tolerance. What it involves / doesn't involve. ... Allowing others to hold religious beliefs that are different from yours.

There are more here: http://www.google.com/search?q=different+types+of+intolerance+-food+-allergies&hl=en&rlz=1C1GGGE_enUS379US379&num=10&lr=&ft=i&cr=&safe=images&tbs=

As you read through the various articles/websites, work on thinking of stories, songs, etc., that involve intolerance.
I'm still having trouble finding something.