what are the conjugations for jugar

2 answers

For the Present Indicative tense:
jugar = to play
yo juego = I play, DO play, AM playING
tú juegas = you (familiar, singular) play, DO play, ARE play ING
él/ella/usted juega = he/she/you (formal, singular) play(s), DO(ES) play, ARE/IS playING

nosotros/nosotras juegamos = we play, DO play, ARE playING
vosotros/vosotras jugais = you (familiar plu ral ) play, DO play, ARE playING
ellos/ellas/ustedes juegan = they/you-all play, DO play, ARE playING

Each form in the Present Indicative usually has 3 translations in English.

nosotros JUGAMOS not juegamos