What are the conditions of China's economy in transition these past few years? How does it benefit(or harm) the country Switzerland? If it benefits Switzerland, how will Switzerland's IMF(international monetary fund)be affected or act towards it? And if it harms Switzerland, what solutions should the IMF committee of Switzerland suggest?

I need to write a position paper for the first time and I would really appreciate some help with factual evidence. Any links to press releases or any other websites regarding this topic of china's economy in transition and Switzerland's IMF committee are welcome.
ALso could someone please explain to me(or provide a link) the basics of economics? WHat is it and how does it work? Keywords and concepts?

3 answers

If you type these subject headings in your browser, you will come up with dozens of articles. "China in transition" "China's economy", "IMF" "IMF positions on China", use your imagination for subject requests.
ok, but how should I relate all this to my country Switzerland? I need to pick a side for my position paper- like benefits switzerland or does not benefit switzerland.