A dictator can order people to do things. It was said about the Italian dictator, Mussolini, that he made the trains run on time.
Saddam Hussein at least kept the Sunnis and Shiites from killing each other in Iraq.
what are the advantages of a nondemocratic government?
8 answers
Ok. Thank you so much!
You're very welcome. :-)
I have another queston.
What is the disadvantage of a democratic government?
What is the disadvantage of a democratic government?
Democratic governments are "messy" and not always efficient. Politicians must get elected by the majority of voters. It takes enormous sums of money to convince people to vote for them. This means they tend to cater to those with the loudest voices and the groups that will give them the most money.
Think about group projects you've worked on in school. Chances are you've spent a lot of time deciding who should do what -- and then getting everyone to participate evenly. That's democracy. When the teacher (dictator) tells you exactly what to do, you can get right to work to full these expectations.
Think about group projects you've worked on in school. Chances are you've spent a lot of time deciding who should do what -- and then getting everyone to participate evenly. That's democracy. When the teacher (dictator) tells you exactly what to do, you can get right to work to full these expectations.
ok. Thank you again!
What are some personal qualities an adviser to the president should have?
What does a political party do after it wins the election in order to govern?