I don't understand the content of what you are researching, but here are some ideas you might use when researching specific or scholarly topics, not just the run of the mill topics that www.google.com is used for.
1. Try using https://scholar.google.com instead of regular Google.
2. Use many of the ideas in this infographic below the words How to Google:
3. Also ... do you have access to a public or college library? Even if you go to the library only once to get a library card, you may be able to get the passwords to access the huge databases most libraries subscribe to these days. You'll often find better information through them than through general searches on the Internet.
Here is an example -- one college's library website (but public libraries usually have many of these, too): http://www.collegeofthedesert.edu/students/library/Pages/default.aspx
Click on Library Databases to see the different databases this particular college provides for its students. Even better is to go to the library and work with one of the Research Librarians there. Those librarians are specifically trained to help people with questions like yours.
What are some internal factors that have pushed Royal Dutch Shell towards sustainability and better managemnet practices. I'm having trouble finding these factors because I need to find actual evidence to how the factors have infleunced shell. Im thinking of the organizational culture or money but I cant find how these factors have infleunced shell.
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