What are some examples of typical, quick decisions teachers make on a daily basis?

What were the 5 most difficult school-related decisions you made this week? What
made them difficult?
What was the impact of those decisions on the classroom environment? Were the
decisions effective? besides these two other pertinent questions related to the characteristics of

6 answers

discipline referals are always quick decisions that have to be made.

allowing kids to go to the restroom is a required quick decision.

Dress code referals are usually quick decisions.

modification during class on teaching strategy is a quick decision.

in chem labs, safety decisions are always quick
besides these I need to others questions two other pertinent questions related to the characteristics of
Dawn -- you've spent many years in classrooms. What do you think the effects of these decisions would be on a classroom?
I can not think of 2 more questions to ask a teacher.When and If I interview a teacher. The teachers in my area are on spring break like the students.
Classrooms are multidimensional. The large numbers of events and tasks make
classrooms complex places.
Classroom events are simultaneous. Many things happen at once.
Classroom events are immediate. Things occur rapidly.
Classrooms are unpredictable. Events often take unexpected turns.
Classrooms are public. Teachers must do their jobs in “fishbowls.” I need to make these into questions where I can ask a Elementary teacher this. I NEED HELP PLEASE
o How do you handle regular daily distractions in the classroom and get the children’s attention back?

o How do you handle a child who is a constant distraction to the other children and refuses to co-operate in class participation?