Taken out of context this is difficult to answer. What period of history does this have to do with? Please restate your question, making it as clear as you can..
what are or was the architecture and drama of United States.???
3 answers
well i am asking about the architecture and drama of United states of recent days? and if not of recent days then during the time of ancient greece?
Well -- since the time of ancient Greece was about 2,000 years before there was a United States, let's concentrate on modern U.S. architecture and drama.
Included in today's architecture are ranch houses, McMansions, skyscrapers, strip malls, enclosed malls, and some government buildings that use ancient Roman and Greek architecture.
Our drama is found on the stage, in movies, on TV, and now on the Internet. Like the ancient Greeks, our drama may be comedy or serious.
Included in today's architecture are ranch houses, McMansions, skyscrapers, strip malls, enclosed malls, and some government buildings that use ancient Roman and Greek architecture.
Our drama is found on the stage, in movies, on TV, and now on the Internet. Like the ancient Greeks, our drama may be comedy or serious.