Western democracies are referred to as representative democracies. They share a common ideology. However, when they transform theory into practice, differences occur. One important difference is a matter of emphasis. Should a system emphasize liberal or responsible principles? The United States, like most presidential systems emphasize liberal ideals. Their system has more checks on government power based on fear of excessive government control of society. Canada, like most parliamentary systems, emphasizes the principles of responsible government. The Canadian system is more effective in expressing the will of the people by allowing government (especially majority government) to govern with relatively fewer checks or hindrance from balancing power.

4 answers

**Which system is better?
When you ask "which system is better?" are you referring to Canada vs the United States?

United States had liberal principles and Canada has responsible principles. So which is better? i think that's what its saying.
Whoa! I disagree with your last statement. Please see my last post with definitions of liberal and responsible.