were suppose to find out if these are linking or action and find the verb this is what i put(also can you i dentify 4 helping verbs in the sentences

1)Mail travels overseaes on airplanes
action travels
2)Mail also can go overseas by boats
action go
3)Boats are slower but less expensive
linking slower
4)Most people send their mail overseas by airplane
action send
5)Boats might take weeks for the trip across the ocean
linking take
6)Boats were once the only form of transportation.
action transportation
7)The post office can use truck,trains,and planes to move mail
action move
8)In the past, horses have carried mail across the country
action carried

2 answers

1)Mail travels overseas on airplanes
action travels correct

2)Mail also can go overseas by boats
action go almost; "can" is the helping verb used with "go" here

3)Boats are slower but less expensive
linking slower Can you slower? No. So it's not a verb! In this sentence, the verb is "are" -- a linking verb.

4)Most people send their mail overseas by airplane
action send correct

5)Boats might take weeks for the trip across the ocean
linking take almost; "take" is the verb, but it's not a linking verb; there's a helping verb here. Do you see it?

6)Boats were once the only form of transportation.
action transportation WAY off!

7)The post office can use truck,trains,and planes to move mail
action move incorrect

8)In the past, horses have carried mail across the country
action carried almost correct; what's the helping verb being used with "carried"?

Linking verbs:

Helping verbs:

Verbs overall:
Hawaii is one of the most beatiful places on earht. what are the verbs in the sentence