I think autos were so common by the 1920s that horses were no longer frightened by them as much as in earlier times, when cars were very rare. And I'm not sure that people who were devoted church-goers stopped going to go joy-riding. They drove their cars to church. They didn't move as fast as what? Until windshield wipers became common, it was hard to see in rain or snow, yes.
I do think cars were not as reliable then as now; they broke down more. Tires were also not as tough as now and were less resistant to punctures.
Read some of these articles for other ideas:
Well- this is kind of social studies...so anyway, I have to do a presentation on automobiles and I wanted to know some problems with automobiles in the 1920's?
I already have:
The automobiles scared horses because they were so noisy, people drove there cars instead of going to church, the automobiles didn’t move as fast. It was difficult to see in the rain/snow, and automobiles could catch fire easily, unlike today- there was no air conditioning.
2 answers
My grandfather owned a furniture store in a small town, and sold most young couples their first furniture. However, when cars became popular, he lost most of his business because his potential customers drove to a larger town for their furniture.
Here are more problems.
Here are more problems.