We have to pick a song we really like and break it apart to write a story on it. Well, my favorite song is actually fairly easy to break apart, I guess, but I just want to see what else you might pick up from it? Here are the lyrics, and I apologize for any errors. I typed them up in a rush:

As the years pass as they should
Seems like only yesterday, there I stood
By a man whose eyes were turned up to the sun
Though I never asked his name
Every day he was there, just the same
Waiting for someone who never seemed to come
I wonder why I couldn’t see before
And notice he wasn’t there anymore
Until I found the message hanging from my door
As I read, I didn’t make a sound
‘til it slipped from my hands and fluttered down
Suddenly my knees grew weak and I fell to the ground
That’s when my tears fell on the letter
I could hear his voice so clear within my mind again
And I know that now his love would live forever
‘cause his heart was beating there inside the words he left behind
In the days that followed on
And moments searching where he had gone
Everything was like a blur until I learned
And although I was afraid to see
The truth was staring right in front of me
Somehow I knew that this was what was meant to be
And as I walked I didn’t make a sound
Even as my gaze was looking down
Suddenly my knees grew weak and I fell to the ground
That’s when my tears fell on the marker
As I touched the name I hadn’t seen before ‘til then
And I promised that one day we’d be together
Somewhere far away where I’d stand by his side again
And as my tears fell on the letter
I can hear your voice so clear within my mind once more
And I know that now my love will live forever
For a heart that’s beating there inside the words you left behind
“If you find this message that I left behind
You’ll know that time has pulled me away from you
And though I don’t know who you are
And I am far away, I love you all the same
Even though you will never know my name”

What I'm picking up from this is that they developed a very strong relationship by arriving at the same place every day and just talking, even though they never cared to exchange names for anything. One day, she finds a letter from him, and she eventually learns that he's dead, and when she's crying the second time where it says "When my tears fell on the marker," she's crying on his grave. I just can't figure out...if they didn't know each other's names, then how is she supposed to get that note?