We have to analyze an analogy for our English class. I remember a very interesting demonstration I saw several years ago--the person took two glasses, one being large, the other small. He poured water into the large one about halfway, and then transferred this into the smaller glass, which completely filled it. I remember this activity demonstrated something about making the most of what we've been given--everyone has a different sized glass. Even if we have a smaller one, when we fill it all the way, we can have as much as the person with the larger glass who kept their's half empty. I was wondering if you heard of this analogy too and can clarify any mistakes I may have made or can direct me to a link which provides the analogy in full.
1 answer
Do you think that the glass size might refer to a person's expectations, and the water refers to the expectations being met? In other words, those with fewer expectations are more likely to have their expectations met. Does that mean that it is "better" to have lower expectations?
I hope this gets you to think a little more about this analogy.