We are reading The Scarlet Letter in class and we have to take 2 pictures that represent an issue. The issue I have chosen is Definition of Family/Definition of Marriage. I'm just looking for things that I can take pictures of that could symbolize these things and how they connect to the book. Thank you so much in advanced!!!!! (:

2 answers

Oh, my goodness. Definition of marriage is, of course, the traditional "union" of a man and woman. A picture of a man and woman (your parents, an aunt and uncle, grandparents) in a domestic situation (eating together, sitting on the sofa together, something in which they are shown to be doing SOMETHING together) might work. A picture of a marriage license might work.

Definition of family, in the context of the story is more problematic. Certainly Hester and Pearl are a family, if a non-traditional one (single mother and child). The definition of family that the community supports is mother, father, and children. A picture of a family you know and might photograph might suffice (The number of children doesn't matter. It could be one or a dozen.) A picture of grandparents, their adult children, and the grandchild or children might also be good, if you can get them all together in one place at one time. :)
Thank you! Do you by chance know any objects that could symbolize these things as well. I was thinking about wedding rings for marriage but I don't know if that is too common. I also don't know a good object that symbolizes the family. Thank you so much!!!