Washington long to retire to his felt at Mount Vernon but he soon realized that the nation under Confederation was not functioning well so he became a prime mover in the steps leading to the constitutional convention at Philadelphia in 1787 when the new Constitution was ratified the Electoral College unanimously elected Washington person he did not infringe upon the policy-making powers that he felt the Constitution gave Congress but the determination of foreign Parts became preponderantly a presidential concern when the French became lead to a major war between France and England Washington refuse to accept entirely the recommendations of either his secretary of state Thomas Jefferson who was Pro French or his Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton who was pro-British where did he insist upon a neutral course until the United States could grow stronger based on evidence from your text why did Washington reject the advice about Jefferson and Hamilton adopt a policy of neutrality.
7 answers
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Washington long to retire to his felt at Mount Vernon but he soon realized that the nation under Confederation was not functioning well so he became a prime mover in the steps leading to the constitutional convention at Philadelphia in 1787 when the new Constitution was ratified the Electoral College unanimously elected Washington person he did not infringe upon the policy-making powers that he felt the Constitution gave Congress but the determination of foreign Parts became preponderantly a presidential concern when the French became lead to a major war between France and England Washington refuse to accept entirely the recommendations of either his secretary of state Thomas Jefferson who was Pro French or his Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton who was pro-British where did he insist upon a neutral course until the United States could grow stronger based on evidence from your text why did Washington reject the advice about Jefferson and Hamilton adopt a policy of neutrality?
a.the nation cannot afford another War so soon after the revolution.
b.Washington was timid about taking military action.
c.washington feared that war would divide the nation.
d.Washington was upset over the murder of the French King.
This is still not acceptable. Please type it the way the original is.
And, if you are to choose between the four multiple-choice options, you have not indicated your choice. Which is it/
Yes, A. We went through this before, didn't we?