Using verbs ser & estar how do I answer these question.
1. Donde esta Ecuador? Esa en America del Sur
2.Donde esta Mexico? Esta en America del Norte
3. Que e un parque? Es un lgar conarboles, planas y es usado por las familias para divertirse.
3 answers
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Please don't forget the required accent marks. If you don't know how to do them with the computer, I need to know 2 things: 1) Do you have a PC or a Mac?
2) do you have Windows or not?
Here's a review of ser & estar. Each time you use one or the other, mentally give yourself the reason, so you won't miss it!
Estar is used to express:
Location or position.
Temporary change from a normal state or condition.
(With common adjectives such as: caliente, cansado (-a), contento (-a_, frío (-a), limpio (-a), lleno (-a), ocupado (-a), sucio (-a), triste) EXCEPTION: feliz takes ser.
Result of an action, with past participles.
Continuous action, with present participle.
Ser is used to express:
Characteristics of a more permanent nature.
Origin, possession and material, with “de”
3. Occupations and nationalities.
4. Time and dates.
Impersonal expressions.
Actions with past participles.
NOTE: Some adjectives may be used with either “estar” or “ser” but the meaning changes.
Alberto es bueno (malo). = Albert is good (bad).
Alberto está bueno (malo). = Albert is well (ill).
Alberto es pálido. = Albert is pale complexioned.
Alberto está pálido hoy. = Albert is (seems) pale today.
Alberto es listo. = Albert is clever.
Alberto está listo. = Albert is ready.
Adjectives used with “ser” or “estar” must agree with the subject in number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine).
María está cansada. = Mary is tired.
Son ricos. = They are rich.
1. Ecuador está en la América del Sur. (or Sudamérica)
2. México está en la América del Norte (or Norteamérica)
3. El parque es un lugar con árboles, plantas y es usado por las familias para divertirse.
2) do you have Windows or not?
Here's a review of ser & estar. Each time you use one or the other, mentally give yourself the reason, so you won't miss it!
Estar is used to express:
Location or position.
Temporary change from a normal state or condition.
(With common adjectives such as: caliente, cansado (-a), contento (-a_, frío (-a), limpio (-a), lleno (-a), ocupado (-a), sucio (-a), triste) EXCEPTION: feliz takes ser.
Result of an action, with past participles.
Continuous action, with present participle.
Ser is used to express:
Characteristics of a more permanent nature.
Origin, possession and material, with “de”
3. Occupations and nationalities.
4. Time and dates.
Impersonal expressions.
Actions with past participles.
NOTE: Some adjectives may be used with either “estar” or “ser” but the meaning changes.
Alberto es bueno (malo). = Albert is good (bad).
Alberto está bueno (malo). = Albert is well (ill).
Alberto es pálido. = Albert is pale complexioned.
Alberto está pálido hoy. = Albert is (seems) pale today.
Alberto es listo. = Albert is clever.
Alberto está listo. = Albert is ready.
Adjectives used with “ser” or “estar” must agree with the subject in number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine).
María está cansada. = Mary is tired.
Son ricos. = They are rich.
1. Ecuador está en la América del Sur. (or Sudamérica)
2. México está en la América del Norte (or Norteamérica)
3. El parque es un lugar con árboles, plantas y es usado por las familias para divertirse.
sing verbs ser & estar how do I answer these question.
1. Donde esta Ecuador? Esa en America del Sur
2.Donde esta Mexico? Esta en America del Norte
3. Que e un parque? Es un lgar conarboles, planas y es usado por las familias para divertirse.
1. Donde esta Ecuador? Esa en America del Sur
2.Donde esta Mexico? Esta en America del Norte
3. Que e un parque? Es un lgar conarboles, planas y es usado por las familias para divertirse.