Using the information provided, open the 3.06 Basic Tables task (Task #1) you previously completed.
Use the word processing software of your choice. However, make sure your teacher can view your submissions.
Open your 3.06 Basic Tables document. Delete the first table containing the school schedule.
Change the title of your document (3.06 Basic Tables) to 3.06 Enhanced Tables. Be sure to save the new document as 3.06 Enhanced Tables.
Enhance the remaining table with the heading "Sales by Quarter" that contains sales figures as follows:
Merge the cells in the top row so that you have a heading over the entire table that contains the text Sales by Quarter. Center the words in the middle of that merged cell.
Shade the boxes that contain the region names with a light grey.
Remove the indentions that you included in front of each sales figure. (HINT: You can use the markers on the ruler to do so.)
Add the following for a newly developed region: West – 1st quarter - $0; 2nd quarter - $1,528; 3rd quarter - $2,622; 4th quarter - $5,613
Add another column or row to include totals at the bottom or at the right of your data in the table. This will depend on how you set up your table for the last assignment. Label it as Totals.
Microsoft Word users - Use the F of x Formula button in the Table Layout menu, Data group, to insert a formula that will calculate totals for each quarter or each region. (The software should automatically determine whether you need =SUM(ABOVE) or =SUM(LEFT) based on its location.)
Google Docs users – There is not a feature in Google Docs to insert a formula for calculations in a table. You will have to calculate and insert the totals yourself.
Center your column headings.
Use right alignment to align all sales figures to the right cell border.
Make sure that you are outside of your table and press Enter twice before creating the next table described in number 5 below.
Create a new table using the information from the Second Table Information listed below. The new table should be located below your sales figures table (table 1). The new table (table 2) will have the heading "Spring Semester Schedule". Note: There should be two separate tables on your word processing document.
Once you have created the new table, follow the instructions below to enhance the look of the table:
Microsoft Office users should apply the Grid Table 4 Style, adjust the column width (or row height) so that the Freshmen Orientation heading wraps to the next line where the word Freshmen is stacked on top of the word Orientation to save space, and change the alignment of the text in the cells to Align Bottom Center.
Google Docs does not have specific table styles. You will have to enhance the table yourself by using Table Properties and the formatting menus shading every other row, changing the font color of headings, adjust the column widths to fit only the contents of the largest cell to save space, and change the vertical alignment of the text to Bottom.
Submit your completed word processing document to 3.06 Enhanced Tables.
Second Table Information (Table 2)
Spring Semester Schedule
On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, the student has the following classes:
Eng101 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Biology from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
On Mondays, the student has Freshman Orientation from 5 pm to 7 pm.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the student has the following classes:
History 101 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Math 125 from 10 am to 12 pm
On Tuesdays, the student has racquetball from 7:00 - 8:00 pm.
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