Using the 4 principles of sustainability Reliance on Solar Energy, Nutrient recycling, Biodiversity, and Population control. How would you classigy the following?

• Recycling soda cans
• Using a rake instead of a leaf blower
• Choosing to have no more than one child-Population Control
• Walking to class instead of driving
• Taking your own reusable bag to the grocery store to carry things home
• Volunteering in a prairie restoration project
• Planting trees
• Lobbying elected officials to require that 20% of the US electricity be produced by renewable wind power by 2020.

2 answers

"The following" didn't follow.
:Recycling soda cans

:Using a rake instead of a leaf blower

:Choosing to have no more than one child

:Walking to class instead of driving

:Taking your own reusable bag to the grocery store to carry things home in

:Volunteering in a prairie restoration project

:Planting trees

:Lobbying elected officials to require that 20% of the United States’ electricity be produced by renewable wind power by 2020