using a constant rate, you can saw a log into 3 pieces in 12 minutes. At the sam constant rate, how long will it take you to cut a siliar log (if the same size) into 6 pieces?

would you do a rate formula or what?
I'm really stuck on this one!

4 answers

If it takes you 4 minutes to make one slice (12/3 = 4), then it should take 4 times 6 to saw a similar log into 6 pieces.

4 * 6 = 24
Arrg, stop deleting my message, my last one was correct.
first of all, cutting 2 slices of a log will make it into 3. if it took 12 minutes to cut 2 slices into 3, it takes 6 minuts to cut a slice.
Now taking the same log, you need 6 pieces. so cutting 3 more times in addition to the first two would mean 30 mins.
2 slices = 3 pieces
from 3 logs, 3 slice = 6 pieces
5 slice x 6 minutes each = 30 mins
I goofed! You're right, Chris. :-)
2 cuts = 3 pieces
1 cut = 6 minutes.
5 cuts = 6 pieces
5 cuts = 30 minutes.

Right on Chris.