Would you say "one are" or "each are"?
Each of these is an "amount".
Look at the other words used as possible subjects.
Would you say Words are, titles are ?
This question is not really clear...
Use plural verbs for ________.
words such as pants and eyeglasses
titles of written works
words such as economics and physics
an amount as a subject
my answer
An amount as a subject
2 answers
All of these use plural verbs. Which one is correct?
My pants are hanging in the closet.
All the King's Men were written by Robert Penn Warren.
Economics are a hard subject.
Five dollars are a lot to pay for a Coke.
My pants are hanging in the closet.
All the King's Men were written by Robert Penn Warren.
Economics are a hard subject.
Five dollars are a lot to pay for a Coke.