To convert the whole number 2716 to a decimal using long division, let's actually interpret this as dividing 2716 by 1000, to convert it to a decimal representation.
First, we place 2716 over the divisor 1000: \[ 2716 \div 1000 \]
We can see how many times 1000 fits into 2716, which is 2 times (since \( 1000 \times 2 = 2000 \)).
We subtract 2000 from 2716: \[ 2716 - 2000 = 716 \]
Now, we bring down the decimal place, and add a decimal point after 2 (the whole part). We can append zeros to continue dividing: \[ 7160 \div 1000 \]
1000 fits into 7160, which is 7 times (since \( 1000 \times 7 = 7000 \)).
We then subtract: \[ 7160 - 7000 = 160 \]
Again, we bring down a zero: \[ 1600 \div 1000 \]
1000 fits into 1600, which is 1 time (since \( 1000 \times 1 = 1000 \)).
We subtract again: \[ 1600 - 1000 = 600 \]
Bring down another zero: \[ 6000 \div 1000 \]
1000 fits into 6000, which is 6 times (since \( 1000 \times 6 = 6000 \)).
This gives us a remainder of 0.
Putting this all together, we find that: \[ 2716 \div 1000 = 2.716 \]
Therefore, the corresponding decimal representation for 2716 when divided by 1000 is:
So, the correct answer from the provided options is:
- 2.716