To convert 2716 to a decimal using long division, we can divide 2716 by 1000 since we want to express it in terms of thousands.
Let's perform the long division:
- 2716 divided by 1000 equals 2 with a remainder.
- Multiply 2 by 1000 to get 2000.
- Subtract 2000 from 2716, which leaves us with a remainder of 716.
- Now, we consider that as a decimal. Since we divided by 1000 already, we will write the remainder as 716/1000.
- Convert 716/1000 to a decimal, which is 0.716.
Now combine the whole number part and the decimal part:
2 + 0.716 = 2.716
So the decimal representation of 2716 in terms of thousands is 2.716.
Among the options provided, the correct answer is: