Use long division to convert 27/50 to a decimal

1 answer

To convert 27/50 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Set up the division problem: Write 27 as the dividend inside the long division symbol (รท) and 50 as the divisor outside the symbol.

50 | 27

2. Perform the division: Divide 27 by 50 and write the quotient (the result of the division) above the horizontal line.

50 | 27

Since 27 is smaller than 50, the division cannot be performed further.

3. Add a decimal point: Place a decimal point after the quotient (0).

50 | 27.

4. Multiply the divisor: Multiply the divisor (50) by 10 to get 500, and write this number below the horizontal line, aligned with the dividend.

50 | 27.

5. Perform the division again: Divide 500 by 50 and write the new quotient (10) above the line, aligned with the decimal point.

50 | 27.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 until you reach desired decimal places or until the division terminates (if it is a terminating decimal).

50 | 27.

7. The decimal equivalent of 27/50 is 0.54.
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