Usa la forma presente de ESTAR con el participio pasado del verbo entre paréntesis para completar cada oración.
Are these answers correct?
La maleta ya _____1.)____ ______2.)_______. (abrir)
1.) está
2.) 2.) abierto
¿ ___(1)___ ___(2)___ todos estos regalos? (DECLARAR)
Ay, qué lástima. Esta caja ____(1)____ ____(2)____. (ROMPER)
1) está
2) roto
4 .
La cena ___(1)___ ___(2)___ con café y postre. (SERVIR)
1) esta
2) servido
5 .
No entiendo esos avisos porque ____(1)____ ____(2)____ en portugués. (ESCRIBIR)
1) están
2) escrito
¡No la tome! Esa medicina ____(1)____ ____(2)____. (ESTROPEAR)
1) está
2) estropeado
3 answers
I'll send this to SraJMcGin. Check back later.
I know it's annoying at first, but Spanish is all about number (singular/plural) and GENDER (masculine/feminine). Any and all adjectives must be the same number and gender as the noun(s) modified.
1. Take a look at the gender of the noun = la maleta (singular and FEMININE) because the adjective must be also. The answer is abierta.
2. The instructions are to use the correct form of ESTAR? Declarar is the verb in #2 and it is in the infinitive form. WHY is that? I have no idea what this sentence is meant to say, and I hate to guess! Maybe "Are all these gifts declared?" In that case it would be: ¿Están declarados todos estos regalos?
Now I see the problem you are having. You need a form of ESTAR and also THE PAST PARTICIPLE, which functions as an adjective here.
3. Esta caja "está rota" Be sure you have both parts!
4. está servida Be sure the forms of ESTAR that require accent marks are there: yo estoy, tú estás, él/ella está, nosotros/nosotras estamos, ellos/ellas están
5. están escritos (don't forget the Past Participle)
6. está estropeada (again, never forget to check number AND GENDER.
I'll flag this so I can come back later to see if you had other questions.
1. Take a look at the gender of the noun = la maleta (singular and FEMININE) because the adjective must be also. The answer is abierta.
2. The instructions are to use the correct form of ESTAR? Declarar is the verb in #2 and it is in the infinitive form. WHY is that? I have no idea what this sentence is meant to say, and I hate to guess! Maybe "Are all these gifts declared?" In that case it would be: ¿Están declarados todos estos regalos?
Now I see the problem you are having. You need a form of ESTAR and also THE PAST PARTICIPLE, which functions as an adjective here.
3. Esta caja "está rota" Be sure you have both parts!
4. está servida Be sure the forms of ESTAR that require accent marks are there: yo estoy, tú estás, él/ella está, nosotros/nosotras estamos, ellos/ellas están
5. están escritos (don't forget the Past Participle)
6. está estropeada (again, never forget to check number AND GENDER.
I'll flag this so I can come back later to see if you had other questions.
great, I understand, thank you.