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United States is the only sizable industrialized country that does not have a socialist party as a major source of power. Why is this???
Can someone please give me some points or reasons??? Thank you!!
3 answers
During the heyday of the Socialist movement, from 1900 to WWII, the US adapted its intitutions: Roosevelt became the trust buster, Wilson the man of the people, and F. Roosevelt the man of the populace who incorporated socialist ideas into the government, Truman (the housing bill, and GI bill), Kennedy (and Johnson who actually got the legislation passed for the Great Society). Trust-busting, social safety networks, medical care for the aged, protection for workers (safety, wages) are part of our social fabric and law. Yes, there are many who want to dismember these. But overall, the Socialist movement was incorporated into our government without a major third party movement.
America hates socialism... Simple as that...