Unit 4 Lesson 2 Graphic Organizer

Directions: Make a copy of this page. Fill in all of the boxes completely. You will upload your completed draft in the dropbox at the end of the lesson.
Step 1: Read the prompt below.
Essay Prompt: The two passages below, both written by noted contemporary scientist Edward O. Wilson, appear in Wilson’s book The Future of Life (2002). In the passages, Wilson satirizes the language of two groups that hold opposing attitudes about environmentalism. Read each passage carefully. Then write an essay in which you analyze how Wilson’s satire illustrates the unproductive nature of such discussions.
Step 2: Read the two passages:

Step 3: Consider rhetorical situation.
Look at the introductory information. What do you notice about who wrote each passage and why it was written?

1 answer

Wilson is a noted contemporary scientist and the passages are from his book "The Future of Life" which suggests that the passages are written from a scientific perspective. The passages are written to satirize the language used by two opposing groups in discussions about environmentalism.