ummm, I know you may be trying to help people, but by just typing their question into yaH'oo DOESN'T help. They can do that themselves, they are looking for direct answers, not y'ahoo. Thanks for attempting to help

2 answers


Simply asking a question means you don't have a starting point. If you ask a question and don't have any idea for the answer, it means you don't have a starting point. Looking at a search engine is the best thing to do on the internet. You start with a google or yahoo search.

Sra's actually right in that case.
Matt and Sra are quite right.

You need to be specific when asking questions here. AND you need to indicate what you think the answer or answers are or give us some indication of what YOU THINK about the question(s) or assignment.

If all you do is post your entire assignment, not much will happen since no one here will do your work for you. But if you are specific about what you don't understand about the assignment or exactly what help you need, someone might be able to assist you.

In lieu of zero thought on your part, a search on any of the good search engines is the best place to start.