Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. This is the English of what you have in French.
A component of an electrical circuit: a component of an electrical circuit is any device or apparatus present in an electrical circuit. In the circuit that you have built, the ampoule (electric bulb) was a component.
BTW if you are studying French, with a good dictionary (French--->English/English--->French) you should have been able to translate some, if not all, of this!
Ugh... I have this homework on static electricity and i need to make a description in my own words. this is the description it gives me and im just wondering what duz it mean.
BTW, I don't want any useless online translators please.
Un composant d'un circuit électrique: un composant d'un circuit électrique est tout dispositif ou appareil présent dans un circuit électrique. Dans le circuit que tu as construit, l'ampoule était un composant.
1 answer