Two trains, Train A, and Train B, simultaneously depart Station A and Station B. Station A, and Station B are 252.5 miles apart from each other. Train A is moving at 124.7mph towards Station B, and Train B is moving at 253.5mph towards Station A. If both trains departed at 10:00 AM and it is now 10:08, how much longer until both trains pass each other?

2 answers

combined speed = 378.2 mi/hr
distance covered in 8 minutes: 378.2 * 8/60 = 50.4 mi
remaining distance: 202.1 mi
remaining time: 202.1/378.2 = 0.534 hours
Let the time taken for them to meet be t hrs
124.7t + 253.5t = 252.5
t = .6676.. hrs
= 40.058 minutes

since the trains have already travelled 8 minutes, it will take
about 32 more minutes.