change C to radius. C=2PI r
r= C/2PI
Now volume is 4/3 PI r^3
and you are looking for the cost per volume, you want it low.
Melon1: Cost/V=1.5/(4/3 PI (60/2PI)^3)
Melon2: Cost/v= 1/(4/3 PI (50/2PI)^2)
comparing cost/volume for melon1 divided by cost/volume for melon2
ratio: 1.5*(50/60)^3 If that is above 1.0, then the best buy has to be melon 2.
If it is below, Melon 1 is the best buy.
Think about that
Two spherical canaloupes of the same kind are sold at a fruit and vegetable stand. The circumference of one is 60 cm and that of the other is 50 cm. The larger melon is 1 1/2 times as expensive as the smaller. Which melon is the better buy and why?
2 answers