They approach at 35 knots. So, when they have gone 55 miles together, they are 45 miles apart. That takes 55/35 hours.
How long to consume the whole 100 miles? 100/35 hours. How far has ship A gone by then?
How long to cover 130 miles? 130/35 hours.
I assume you can convert elapsed time to time of day...
Two ships leave different ports A and B 100 miles apart at 0800 hours, each heading for the opposite port on reciprocal courses. Ship A steams at 20 knots and ship B at 15 knots. calculate:
(a) What time are they first 45 miles apart?
(b) What time they will pass, and how far from port A.
(c) What time they will be 30 miles apart after passing?
1 answer