Tu amigo insiste en preguntarte de quiénes son las cosas. Tú le contestas de forma muy enfática.

1.¿De quién es este sombrero? / tú

2.¿De quiénes son estos cinturones? / Tomás y Ricardo

3.¿De quiénes son estos zapatos? / Uds.

4.¿De quién son estas gafas de sol? / yo

5.¿De quién es este paraguas? / Teresa

3 answers

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.
Just where are YOUR answers? I do not provide the answers but help you with what you have done.

Is there a model to explain the form you are required to use?

GUESSING, and I do not like doing that, you must be working with "possessives" such as:

1. Este sombrero es de ti (prepositional phrase) OR tuyo - (possessive pronoun).

1. the adjectival form has 2: the short form and the long form. Short form: Es tu libro.
2. Long form: El libro es tuyo.
3. For clarification, you might see the prepositional phrase: Es tu libro de ti.
4. The emphatic form is the pronoun with the article, EXCEPT after the verb SER, when there is no article: El libro es tuyo. El tiene el tuyo.

Now, I'm waiting for YOUR answers.
