Tracy wants a beaded bracelet for her birthday. Write a program that will draw one for her!

The bracelet should follow these specifications:

There must be 36 beads
Each bead should have a radius of 10 pixels
The bracelet must have a diameter of 200
Tracy should draw the bracelet counterclockwise

You will need to use a function and a loop in your code!
You will need to turn Tracy 10 degrees after drawing each bead
You should return to the middle of the bracelet circle between drawing each bead

1 answer

To create a program that draws a beaded bracelet according to the specifications provided, we can use the Python turtle graphics library. Below is an example of how you could implement this:

import turtle

def draw_beaded_bracelet():
    # Set up the turtle environment
    turtle.speed(0)  # Set the turtle speed to the maximum
    turtle.penup()   # Don't draw when moving to the starting position
    turtle.goto(0, -100)  # Move turtle to the starting position (middle of the bracelet circle)
    turtle.pendown()  # Start drawing beads  # Draw the outline of the bracelet (optional)
    # Draw 36 beads
    for i in range(36):
        # Draw the bead
        turtle.goto(0, 0)  # Return to the center
        turtle.setheading(90 + i * 10)  # Set direction (90 degrees is straight up)
        turtle.forward(100)  # Move to the edge of the bracelet circle
        turtle.pendown()    # Draw bead with radius 10 pixels

    turtle.hideturtle()  # Hide the turtle cursor
    turtle.done()  # Finish the drawing

# Call the function to draw the bracelet


  • We import the turtle module which allows us to create graphics.
  • The draw_beaded_bracelet function is defined to encapsulate the drawing logic.
  • Turtle's speed is set to 0 to draw as quickly as possible.
  • The turtle starts at the center of the bracelet and moves down to the edge to start drawing.
  • A loop runs 36 times to draw each bead, with each iteration adjusting the angle by 10 degrees counterclockwise (based on its loop index).
  • After positioning at the angle, the turtle moves forward to the edge of the bracelet, draws a circle with a radius of 10 pixels (the bead), and returns to the center before the next iteration.
  • Finally, turtle.done() is called to finish drawing and keep the window open until the user closes it.

To execute this code, you simply need to run it in a Python environment that supports turtle, such as IDLE or an appropriate IDE that allows GUI operations.