Tracy wants a colored bead bracelet!

Tracy liked the bracelet you made her for her birthday but now she wants you to make it with colored beads.

The beads of your bracelet should:

Alternate between blue, red, and purple
Be the same size and structure as your previous code

You can start by copy and pasting the code you wrote in our previous lesson. Then find a way to fill the beads with color.
A for loop will help shorten your code!
Remember to return to the center of the bracelet circle between drawing each bead!

1 answer

To create a colored bead bracelet that alternates between blue, red, and purple, we will leverage a similar structure to the code used in the previous lesson (which was likely a pattern for drawing beads). We can use a for loop to iterate through the different colors and draw each bead while maintaining the same size and structure.

Here's a simple example code in Python using the turtle graphics library:

import turtle

# Function to draw a single bead
def draw_bead(color):
    turtle.begin_fill()  # Draw a circle with a radius of 20

# Function to draw the bracelet with alternating colors
def draw_bracelet(bead_count):
    colors = ['blue', 'red', 'purple']  # List of colors to alternate
    for i in range(bead_count):
        draw_bead(colors[i % len(colors)])  # Draw bead with color based on its position

        # Move to the position for the next bead
        turtle.penup()  # Move forward to the next bead position

# Set up the turtle environment
turtle.speed(0)  # Fastest drawing speed
turtle.goto(0, 0)  # Start in the center

# Draw the bracelet with a specified number of beads
bead_count = 12  # You can change this number to make more or fewer beads

# Complete the drawing

Explanation of the Code:

  1. Imports: We import the turtle graphics library to facilitate drawing.
  2. draw_bead Function:
    • This function takes a color as input and draws a circular bead filled with that color.
  3. draw_bracelet Function:
    • This function takes the number of beads (bead_count) to draw and cycles through the colors (blue, red, purple) using a for loop.
    • The modulo operator % ensures that we cycle through the colors continuously.
    • After drawing each bead, it moves to the next position in the circle by using to create a space between the beads.
  4. Turtle Setup:
    • The turtle speed is set to the fastest, and it starts from the center position.
  5. Execution: Finally, the draw_bracelet function is called with the desired number of beads, and turtle.done() is called to finish the drawing process.

Feel free to modify the bead_count variable to create a bracelet with a different number of beads!