Looks great! However, it would be better if you changed all the verbs to present tense.
You ARE definitely one of the few people in SMS who MANAGE . . .
tomorrow is my friend's birthday and she's turning 15 so I'm writing her a birthday card and I was wondering if I did any mistakes (I'm going to now write it on the card).
Happy Birthday Sarah, You were definitely one of the few people in SMS who managed to make me smile and laugh without even trying. One of my favorite things about you was that you always had a smile on your face and nothing could ever bring you down. Don't ever change and continue being beautiful.\
Yours Truly, (my name)
4 answers
Well SMS was my middle school and now we're in high school and we don;t even go to the same one
Ohh! O.K. The past tense does make sense then. :-)
Seagoville misdle school?